EDA No. 08-01-05661 / JM No. 21344

City of Big Spring – Business Park: Contract No.1 – Water and Sewer Improvements

Project Description


PROJECT INCLUDES:         This project includes water distribution system improvements consisting of the installation of approximately 17,400 LF of 10” and 12” PVC water lines and sewer collection system improvements consisting of the installation of approximately 18,400 LF of 4”, 8”, 10” and 12” PVC sewer lines, a new lift station and approximately 3,370 LF of 6” HDPE force main.

ESTIMATED COST:             $5,300,000.00

BID BOND:                           5%


FUNDING AGENCY:           Economic Development Administration / EDA No. 08-01-05661 and McMahon-Wrinkle Airport and Industrial Park

Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS must be ordered online at www.jacobmartin.com.  Orders for CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may include hard copies for pick up, mail out or digital download via www.jacobmartin.com.  Upon verification of online payment, hard copies may be picked up at Jacob & Martin, LLC., located at 3465 Curry Lane, Abilene, TX 79606.  Cost for hard copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $100.00.  Cost for digital download of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $0.00.  Contractors must purchase a set of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS to be considered a registered plan holder eligible to bid the project.

SAM.gov registration is required to Bid. All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project. This will be verified upon receipt of bid and prior to the award.  Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, and Women Business Enterprises, and Historically Underutilized Business firms are encouraged to submit bids.

The City of Big Spring reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the City of Big Spring for a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder’s qualifications prior to the contract award.

The lobbying certification must be submitted with the bid packet to be considered complete and responsive.

This project will be partially funded with Federal funds from the United States Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration and therefore is subject to the Federal laws and regulations associated with that program.

The City of Big Spring is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Project Details

  • Project No: EDA No. 08-01-05661 / JM No. 21344
  • Owner: City of Big Spring
  • JM Office: Abilene
  • Project Manager: Kirt Harle, P.E. / kirth@jacobmartin.com
  • Admin Contact: Katy Stryker / kstryker@jacobmartin.com
  • Phone: (325) 695-1070
  • Prebid: No Prebid
  • Prebid Date: N/A
  • Bid Open Date: February 13, 2025 at 3:00 PM at Big Spring City Hall, 310 Nolan Street, Big Spring, Texas 79720

Select Plan Type:

Planholders List

First Name Last Name Company Email Phone Contractor Role
RobPittardPittard Construction Companyrob@pittardcc.com9038182447General Contractor
CamronFambroFambro Construction, LLCcamronfambro@fambroconstruction.com2544851169Sub Contractor
DanaKeinerDK Contracting, LLCdana.keiner@dksigninstallation.com3252777521Sub Contractor
JamesMartinezJAMCO Drillingjamcodrilling@gmail.com2147013888Sub Contractor
JordanBoxWestern Municipal Constructionjbox@wmc-i.com9728902330General Contractor
ClintWilsonWestern Municipal Construction of Texas, LLCcwilson@wmc-i.com19406480020General Contractor
DerrickGageTriad Service Group, LLCderrick.gage@triadsvcgrp.com2108236778General Contractor
AlexO'NeilKingrey Industries, LLCalex@kingrey.us2149689952Supplier
RayPenaZone Industriesrpena@zoneindustries.com8322785965Supplier
JasonStewartCapital Concrete Productsjason@capitalconcreteproducts.com12543795125Supplier
FernandoChairezFC Traffic Control, Inc.estimating@fc-traffic.com8065705633Sub Contractor
MarioGarciaTenoch Distributionmgarcia@tenochdistribution.com9562209781Supplier
ScottPollardFerguson Waterworksscott.pollard@ferguson.com8063929064Supplier
SamanthaRamirezTriun, LLCsramirez@triunco.com210-744-1689General Contractor
TylerBeltPioneer Supplytbelt@pioneersupplyok.com4057947705Supplier
SethKeeneWhitewater Constructionskwhitewater1997@gmail.com2543151057General Contractor
LaneSalvatoTHE BARRY GROUP, LLC Independent Representative of Tnemec Company Inc.lsalvato@barrygroupllc.com9723128448Supplier
LaneSalvatoTHE BARRY GROUP, LLC Independent Representative of Tnemec Company Inc.lsalvato@barrygroupllc.com9723128448Supplier
TedZamoraElla SA Contractingtzamora@ellasa.com12106082537General Contractor
JoshGrovesHarris Acousticsjgroves@harrisabilene.com3253867595Sub Contractor
SaulHernandezMH Civil Constructors, Inc.bid@mh-civil.com8063676043General Contractor
LoriAdelmanUnderground Solutionsugsiae@undergroundsolutions.com8582183728Supplier
AlexO'NeilKingrey Industries, LLCalex@kingrey.us2149689952Supplier
DerrickGageTriad Service Group, LLC.derrick.gage@triadsvcgrp.com2108236778Sub Contractor
ScottWamplerScott Wampler Construction & Services LLCscott@swcstexas.com8063364694General Contractor
ChrisWarrenWarren Construction Serviceswarrenconstructionservice@gmail.com9037216721Sub Contractor
BillStarksStarks ConstructionStarksconst@gmail.com3256682271General Contractor
EduardoFalconTenoch Distribution LLCefalcon@tenochdistribution.com2109718323Supplier
JackieHowardL. Howard Construction, Inc.lh_estimating@windstream.net8068325018General Contractor
TylerHamblinBCAC UNDERGROUND LLCThamblin@bcacunderground.com9403990123General Contractor
JOHNKEYMORRISON SUPPLYjohn.key@reece.com13256583000Supplier
AmyCrawfordM5 Utilities, LLCjcrawford@m5utilities.com8303319904General Contractor
JasonMcNattPierce Pump Companyjmcnatt@piercepumpco.com4695159890Supplier
PrestonReevesGage and Cade Constructionpreston@gageandcadeconstruction.com5127345869General Contractor
JeremyFinleyFinco Servicesjeremy@fincoservicestx.com2546317165General Contractor
johnJonesH&P Underground ServicesJohn@hpunderground.com4096984908General Contractor
DAVIDMCNUTTAPSCO Supplydmcnutt@apscotx.com3257334994Supplier
DAVIDMCNUTTAPSCO Supplydmcnutt@apscotx.com3257334994Supplier
DAVIDMCNUTTAPSCO Supplydmcnutt@apscotx.com3257334994Supplier
DAVIDMCNUTTAPSCO Supplydmcnutt@apscotx.com3257334994Supplier
IohnPulliamTurkey Creek HDDjohn@tcreek.com8069108770General Contractor
RonnieRatliffTexas Quality Serivcesronnie@texasqualityservices.com8303852069General Contractor
RancePlunkettTimco Servicesrplunkett@timco-services.com9183137452General Contractor
JonathanCarrilloAccess Communications Group, LLCsales@acglp.com9158450007General Contractor
MerarisMondragonJobsyncJobsync1980@gmail.com4302368389Sub Contractor
AmandaLottAll Points Inspection Services, Inc.cctv@apisgroup2.com5122725056Sub Contractor
JDVerfurthVerfurth ElectricVerfurthElectric@Outlook.com3256035336Sub Contractor
JDVerfurthVerfurth ElectricVerfurthElectric@Outlook.com3256035336Sub Contractor
MaryMillerPWXPressbids@pwxpress.com4086768941General Contractor
JimBodkinJames Cooke and HobsonJim.Bodkin@jchinc.com8066760017Supplier
ConnorHoelscherTexas Water and Soil Company, Inc.connor@texaswaterandsoil.com3256569813General Contractor
CarlosJimenezBLACKROCK CONSTRUCTIONcarlos@blackrockconstructiontx.com9152522119General Contractor
MarkStroudACT Pipe and Supplymstroud@actpipe.com2546666204Supplier
RayPenaZone Industriesraypena@zoneindustries.com8322785965Supplier
LauraJevneSpiess Constructionbids@sccitanks.com8059375859General Contractor
JakeHaydenHaydenshandley@planhub.com6038542054Plan Room
JonBuzanBuzan Underground Utilities, Incjon@buzanutilities.com2564548372General Contractor
MorganAquisitionConstruct Connectcontent@constructconnect.com8003642059Plan Room
ConnorHoelscherTexas Water and Soil Company, Inc.connor@texaswaterandsoil.com3256569813General Contractor
GaylanRawdonPump Solutionsgaylan@pumpsolutions.net8174031140Supplier
RandallWhitneyWhitney Underground Utilitiesrandall.whitco@gmail.com2544052965General Contractor
AlexanderHodgeHodge Western Corpalex@hodgewesterncorp.com5419035716Sub Contractor
AllisonTrevinoCore and Mainallison.trevino@coreandmain.com8062839220Supplier
JackZebrowskiHarper Brothers Constructionjack.zebrowski@harperbro.com3463139922General Contractor
TylerKochJ&H Services, Inc.tyler@jhservicesinc.com5059445240General Contractor
DustinBrownBenmark Supply Co. Inc.dustinbrown@benmark.com13253387163Supplier
EdwardDe La GarzaTriunedelagarza@triunco.com2105724900General Contractor
MartaRubioSkyblue Utilities, Inc.bookkeepingsbui@gmail.com3253882500General Contractor
MarkPerezBronco Electric Incmark@broncoelectricinc.com8324742385Sub Contractor
LisaWelchEverSolve TechnologiesLWELCH@goeversolve.com8887557573Sub Contractor
MattStroeverBo Simon Incm.stroever@bosimoninc.com6103607844General Contractor
KyleeMcClendonBoler Equipment Service, Inc.Kylee@boler.net4326940660General Contractor


Company Name Question
PWXPress Mary miller docs
All Points Inspection Services, Inc. Amanda Lott Can you tell me if television inspection will be needed on the sanitary sewer (gravity) pipe on this project?
Spiess Construction Adam Hamed Will a Geotech for the line work be provided or are similar conditions as to the LS Geotech provided to be assumed for the entirety of this project?
Spiess Construction Adam Hamed Has the Owner obtained a temporary construction easement for the gravity sewer due to the depth?
Spiess Construction Adam Hamed Will a line item be added for removing and replacement of fence work in the bid schedule?
Spiess Construction Adam Hamed Will the Owner be covering costs associated with bracing of Oncore above head utilities noted in plans? If not, will an allowance line item be provided for this item?
Ella SA Contracting Ted Zamora Can we use steel casing for the bores?
Ella SA Contracting Ted Zamora For the Proposed Bore on the sewer, we are proposing to use a 24in Casing, since it is a gravity sewer and we need to check grade at every joint to maintain proposed grade. Can you revise this bore to be a 24in casing.
Ella SA Contracting Ted Zamora Does the Sewer Bore require annual grouting inside the casing?
Ella SA Contracting Ted Zamora Is the carrier pipe (10" DR 18 Waterline) for Schedule A be paid under the 18" Bore? I did not see the 366LF of 10in carrier pipe in any bid item. Please confirm.
Ella SA Contracting Ted Zamora Per the LS plan sheet, the pumps are specified to be Flygt or equal. However, the specifications state a specific flygt model. Will the engineer accept an equal pump?

Contact Information

Ph: 325-695-1070

Address: 3465 Curry Lane, Abilene, TX 79606, USA

Opening Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Fri: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM