Azle Bid No. 2025-007 / JM No. 24448

City of Azle – Vac-Truck Building

Project Description


PROJECT INCLUDES:             Installing approximately a 50' x 100' pre-fabricated metal building, foundation, and all incidental appurtenances for a complete project in accordance with the contract documents and plans.

ESTIMATED COST:                $115,000

BID BOND:                             5%


FUNDING AGENCY:              Local Funds / Azle Bid # 2025-007

Contractors: Please note that we have a new feature on our website. Questions should now be entered online, in the box provided for each project prior to the question deadline. To avoid duplicating questions, please review the previously submitted questions posted at the bottom of each project’s web page.


Questions will be automatically directed to and reviewed by the project manager. All project specific questions posted here will be answered via addendum and distributed to all plan holders. Addenda will also be posted to the website and may be accessed by clicking the red “Addendums” button.

Contractors must obtain a set of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS online at by digital download or hard copy to be considered a registered plan holder eligible to bid the project. Cost for digital download of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $0.00.  Hard copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $100.00  All Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS must be ordered online and are available for pick up, mail out or digital download via  Upon verification of online payment, hard copies may be picked up at Jacob & Martin, LLC, located at 1925 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford, Texas 76086.


Project Details

  • Project No: Azle Bid No. 2025-007 / JM No. 24448
  • Owner: City of Azle
  • JM Office: Weatherford
  • Project Manager: Derek Turner, P.E. /
  • Admin Contact: Trish Cassaday /
  • Phone: (817) 594-9880
  • Prebid: No Prebid
  • Prebid Date: N/A
  • Bid Open Date: April 3, 2025 at 3:00 PM at City Hall, 505 W. Main Street, Azle, Texas, 76020

Select Plan Type:

Planholders List

First Name Last Name Company Email Phone Contractor Role
RamonRodriguezRock Island Constructionrrodriguez@riconst.com9406362868General Contractor
AndreaTharel(214) 638-0528atharel@ftcinc.us2146380525General Contractor
ColinWestmorelandS&W foundatioColinw@swfoundation.com19723229351Sub Contractor
EricRobbCortex Constructioninfo@cortexconstruction.com9725863476General Contractor
JathanMorseSouthern Construction LLCmysouthernconstruction@gmail.com9859745962General Contractor
GarrisonKiddC K Metal Buildingsckmetalbuilding@gmail.com8174582939General Contractor
MichaelGrahaWest Fork Constructionmgraham@wfbuilt.com8179914193General Contractor
HaydenMuthEnergy Access Solutions, LLChmuth@easresources.com19795954646General Contractor
AveryCarrilloCowtown Design and Build LLCinfo@cowotwndb.com8173309209General Contractor
ScottHeiser308 Construction, LLC DBA 308 Solutions Groupbids@308gc.com9404658144General Contractor
BradGearyCity of Azlebgeary@cityofazle.org18174442541Plan Room
LaneSalvatoTHE BARRY GROUP, LLC Independent Representative of Tnemec Company Inc.lsalvato@barrygroupllc.com9723128448Supplier
WilliamHamiltonRJM Contractorswc.hamilton@yahoo.com8173729623General Contractor
ERICELLIOTTJRM CONSTRUCTIONeric@jrmconstruction.biz4322507036General Contractor
GilKalinecHCS Inc.gil@hcs-gc.com9729357711General Contractor
PreConstructionHCS, Inc.pre-con@hcs-gc.com2548293200General Contractor
JakeHaydenHaydenshandley@planhub.com6038542054Plan Room
CoreyCoufalAll Out ConcreteCorey@aocdfw.com8178556797Sub Contractor
MarkburnerMHB Construction, Inc.mark@mhbconstruction.com8179246258General Contractor
JefferyMercierBlue Hawk Constructionjeff@bluehawkconstruction.com8174048915General Contractor
KeatonTrinkleSullivan Contracting Serviceskeaton@scs-tx.com2544137820General Contractor


Company Name Question
MHB Construction, Inc. Mark Burner plans say owner will do all dirt with the exception of a little final grading. is this true for the entire foundation pad?
MHB Construction, Inc. Mark Burner in the details i believe i saw they want this building insulated R- 30 ceiling and R- 25 walls. correct?
MHB Construction, Inc. Mark Burner if insulation is to be used, the open area does or does not need insulation.
EAS Development, LLC Hayden Muth Plans say owner is responsible for asphalt flooring and flex base material. Can you confirm?
ClearSpan Structures Colby Reilly Good Afternoon, While going through the specs for the metal structure there were mentions of MBMA and AISC certifications, while we do not possess those we do possess the AC472 certification and follow AISC guidelines, is this acceptable?
EAS Development, LLC Hayden Muth The Overhead Door, 625 series is insulated but not fire rated. Can you please advise? What do you mean by "crank motor"? Electrically operated or crank operated?

Contact Information

Ph: 325-695-1070

Address: 3465 Curry Lane, Abilene, TX 79606, USA

Opening Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Fri: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM