TDA No. CDV23-0362 / JM No. 24134

City of West Tawakoni – 2023 CDBG WTP Improvements – CID 02 – Tank Rehab

Project Description


PROJECT INCLUDES:         The proposed project includes recoating the interior of the existing 0.25 MG ground storage tank and all associated ancillary improvements.

ESTIMATED COST:             $ 85,200.00

BID BOND:                           5%


FUNDING AGENCY:           Texas Department of Agriculture / TDA No. CDV23-0362

Contractors: Please note that we have a new feature on our website. Questions should now be entered online, in the box provided for each project prior to the question deadline. To avoid duplicating questions, please review the previously submitted questions posted at the bottom of each project’s web page.

Questions will be automatically directed to and reviewed by the project manager. All project specific questions posted here will be answered via addendum and distributed to all plan holders. Addenda will also be posted to the website and may be accessed by clicking the red “Addendums” button.

Contractors must obtain a set of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS online at by digital download or hard copy to be considered a registered plan holder eligible to bid the project. Cost for digital download of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $0.00.  Hard copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $100.00  All Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS must be ordered online and are available for pick up, mail out or digital download via  Upon verification of online payment, hard copies may be picked up at Jacob & Martin, LLC, located at 1925 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford, Texas 76086.

The project to be constructed will be financed with assistance from the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and is subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Attention is called to the fact that not less than, the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) wage rate, as issued by the Texas Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Affairs and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual identity, gender identity, or national origin.

All contractors/subcontractors that are that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project.

The lobbying certification must be submitted with the bid packet to be considered complete and responsive.

The City of West Tawakoni is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Project Details

  • Project No: TDA No. CDV23-0362 / JM No. 24134
  • Owner: City of West Tawakoni
  • JM Office: Weatherford
  • Project Manager: Nic Kirk, P.E. /
  • Admin Contact: Trish Cassaday /
  • Phone: (817) 594-9880
  • Prebid: No Prebid
  • Prebid Date: N/A
  • Bid Open Date: February 18, 2025 at 1:00 PM at West Tawakoni City Hall, 1533 TX-276, West Tawakoni, TX 75474

Select Plan Type:

Planholders List

First Name Last Name Company Email Phone Contractor Role
LaneSalvatoTHE BARRY GROUP, LLC Independent Representative of Tnemec Company Inc.lsalvato@barrygroupllc.com9723128448Supplier
ShannonLackeyKopathean Electric, LLCshannon@kopathean.com8306135923Sub Contractor
BobCoxChampion Tank Servicesbcox@champion-tank.com6128455327General Contractor
GaryDunnMidwest Maintenance and Coatingsmidwestmaintenance812@gmail.com2705773852General Contractor
TreyEvansThe Trey Evans Co.trey.evans@verizon.net7138284488General Contractor
AngelResendezAmerican Coating ServicesAmericancoatingservicesllc@gmail.com8327599833General Contractor
ChrisDormanUnderground Utility SupplyHal@undergroundutilitysupply.com9037878840Supplier
AnthonyMayesGDC Industrial Inc.anthonymayes@groupgdc.com9032430526General Contractor
HeatherBauerClassic Protective Coatings, Inc.hbauer@classicprotectivecoatings.com17152336267General Contractor
MauroAndradeO&A CLASSIC COATINGS AND PAINTINGS CORP.oaclassiccoatings@gmail.com8174047648General Contractor
MelindaJonesPittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Co., Inc.mjones@pttg.com2708269000General Contractor
EricFieldsEnvironmental Improvements, Inc.mledger@ei2water.com9724362536Supplier
BrettGartnerExpanse Electricalbrett.gartner@expanseelectrical.com7203200722Sub Contractor
AbelBandaCor Iesu, LLCabanda@amconstructionutility.com2146068736General Contractor
KyleNelsonRangelinekyle@rangeline.com8172398536Sub Contractor
GeneJones, Jr.Maguire Iron, Inc.bidreports@maguirewater.com6053349749General Contractor
JohnSnodgrassViking Painting, LLCbids@viptanks.com8338478265General Contractor
DanielJohnsonMongan Paintingdan@monganpainting.net8011538Sub Contractor
LaneSalvatoTHE BARRY GROUP, LLC Independent Representative of Tnemec Company Inc.lsalvato@barrygroupllc.com9723128448Supplier
AlexsanderRiveraAMR Industrial Coatings, Inc.Bids@amrindustrialcoatings.com8174371466General Contractor
SamCoffeyCunningham Sandblasting & Painting, Inc.sam@watertankspecialist.net4175920202General Contractor
CaseyCallawayCactus Industrial Servivescasey@cactusindl.com8175507929General Contractor
DelmasPhilpotTankez Coatings Inc.dphilpot2015@gmail.com6063128300General Contractor
J ARTUROANDRADEO&J COATINGS, INC.ojcoatingsinc@yahoo.com8179171040General Contractor

Contact Information

Ph: 325-695-1070

Address: 3465 Curry Lane, Abilene, TX 79606, USA

Opening Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Fri: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM