JM No. 23327

City of Willow Park – East Bankhead Highway Utility Extensions Phase 1

Project Description


PROJECT INCLUDES:             Approximately 6,300 linear feet of 12" HDPE water line, 4,200 linear feet of 8" HDPE sewer force main, 690 linear feet of 10" HDPE sewer gravity main, and associated appurtenances.

ESTIMATED COST:                $1,950,000

BID BOND:                             5%


FUNDING AGENCY:              Local Funds

Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS must be ordered online at  Orders for CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may include hard copies for pick up, mail out or digital download via  Upon verification of online payment, hard copies may be picked up at Jacob & Martin, LLC., located at 1925 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford, TX 76086.  Cost for hard copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $100.00.  Cost for digital download of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $0.00.  Contractors must purchase a set of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS to be considered a registered plan holder eligible to bid the project.

Project Details

  • Project No: JM No. 23327
  • Owner: City of Willow Park
  • JM Office: Weatherford
  • Project Manager: Nic Kirk, P.E. /
  • Admin Contact: Trish Cassaday /
  • Phone: (817) 594-9880
  • Prebid: No Prebid
  • Prebid Date: N/A
  • Bid Open Date: February 27, 2025 at 3:00 PM at Willow Park City Hall, 120 El Chico Suite A Willow Park, Texas 76087

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Planholders List

First Name Last Name Company Email Phone Contractor Role
RandallWhitneyWhitney Underground Utilitiesrandall.whitco@gmail.com2544052965General Contractor
RICKTHORNA&M Construction and Utilities, Incdmolina@amconstructionutility.com9724120255General Contractor
Shelly AtkinsatkinsATKINS BROS EQUIP CO INC.satkins@ectisp.net9727757955General Contractor
JoshuaStoutCore and Mainjoshua.stout@coreandmain.com2146319410Supplier
RickDayDay Services, LLCrickday@dayservices.llc8179330657General Contractor
BretGravesFerguson Waterworksbret.graves@ferguson.com8172673900Supplier
AnthonyMayesGDC Industrial Inc.anthonymayes@groupgdc.com9032430526General Contractor
BradleyJohnsonB&L Construction Co.bradley@blconstructionco.com8173606825General Contractor
JuanVasquezRW Jones Heavy Constructionjvasquez@rwjonesheavy.com8174582508General Contractor
MattLuetgeStandard Site Utilitiesmluetge@standardsiteutilities.com4697931887General Contractor
RAULCANALES2R Construction Servicesrcanales@2rcstx.com8176908392General Contractor
JosueWilliamsWest Texas AGCabilene@wtagc.org3256767447Plan Room
KathleenDonahueInterstate Pipeline Utility Construction, LLCKathleen.Donahue@InterstatePipeline.com4695716327General Contractor
KathleenDonahueInterstate Pipeline Utility Construction, LLCKathleen.Donahue@InterstatePipeline.com4695716327General Contractor
TylerBeltPioneer Supplytbelt@pioneersupplyok.com4057947705Supplier
ClintWilsonWestern Municipal Construction of Texas, LLCcwilson@wmc-i.com19406480020General Contractor
billgarvinsouthern contractors groupoffice@southerncgllc.com9037270399General Contractor
DANNYJOHNSONGDC INDUSTRIALdannyjohnson@groupgdc.com9032430428General Contractor
HMcMullenCivil Tree Solutionsestimating@civiltreesolutions.com6826003831Sub Contractor
ChasePattersonPatcon Services, LLChmariec23@gmail.com8173434792General Contractor
JacobHutchinsonS-Co Incorporatedj.hutchinson@scoinc.net9402492303General Contractor
BrandonPennB&N Boring Services, Inc.brandon@bnboringservices.com3256426495Sub Contractor
TylerGodbeyBNG Utilitytgodbey@bngutilities.com8175044864General Contractor
KimmyNewbyBCAC UNDERGROUND LLCknewby@bcacunderground.com8177811569General Contractor
TylerHamblinBCAC UNDERGROUND LLCThamblin@bcacunderground.com9403990123General Contractor
MattHelfordHardrock Infrastructurematt.helford@hardrockis.com2102900295Sub Contractor
DavidHalfordH4 Constructiondavid@h4construction.com2544348555General Contractor
DavidHalfordH4 Constructioncourtney@h4construction.com2544348555General Contractor
BrentBehlerDirty Work ConstructionDirtywork4us@yahoo.com3259983096General Contractor
MikeKelleyNAE Contractingmkelley@naecontracting.com8179916040General Contractor
TylerButtleFerguson Waterworkstyler.buttle@ferguson.com8172871769Supplier
JessicaRodriguezGRod Construction, LLC.grod@grodconstruction.com6823023219General Contractor
TaylorPainterLonestar Utilities and ExcavationTPdirtwork@icloud.com8174876139Sub Contractor
DAVIDMCNUTTAPSCO Supplydmcnutt@apscotx.com3257334994Supplier
AlexO'NeilKingrey Industries, LLCalex@kingrey.us2149689952Supplier
RexHeflinGratex Utilities Incgratexestimate@gmail.com8177810234Sub Contractor
DerrickGageTriad Service Group, LLC.derrick.gage@triadsvcgrp.com2108236778General Contractor
JoshuaCoonrodTellus Services, LLCJoshua@tellusservices.com8176024615General Contractor
LuisConchasExcel 4 Construction LLCluis.conchas_xl4@yahoo.com8174573399General Contractor
PhilipDixonJRM CONSTRUCTIONphilip@jrmconstruction.biz6824296942General Contractor
ChaseTolinHousley Groupctolin@housleygroup.com9403682864Sub Contractor
ChadWallHorseshoe Construction, Inc.chad@horseshoe-inc.com7133443645General Contractor
BobbyRobertsonCircle H Contractorsbobby@circlehcontractors.com8174049205General Contractor


Company Name Question
JRM CONSTRUCTION Philip Dixon will the pdf be construction plans and contract documents?
GRod Construction, LLC. Guillermo Rodriguez There are no bid items for pavement removal & replacement, tree removal, driveway removal & replacement, driveway culvert removal & replacement, erosion control, sod, hydromulch, fence removal & replacement, mailboxes relocation and traffic control. Can you please clarify if all these items will need to be subsidiary to entire project scope or if bid items will be added per an addendum? The MH at station 0+00 on sheet 6 is called out to be constructed. On sheet 7 the same MH is called out to be part of a separate contract. Can you please clarify if its part of this project?

Contact Information

Ph: 325-695-1070

Address: 3465 Curry Lane, Abilene, TX 79606, USA

Opening Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Fri: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM