TDA No. CDV23-0081 / JM No. 22537

City of Jayton – Water Line Replacement

Project Description


PROJECT INCLUDES:      This project includes the installation of approximately three thousand five hundred and fifty feet (3,550 LF) of six-inch (6”) & eight-inch (8”) water line, boring, valves, hydrants, service reconnections, pavement repair, and all associated appurtenances.

ESTIMATED COST:             $465,000

BID BOND:                           5%


FUNDING AGENCY:           Texas Department of Agriculture / TDA No. CDV23-0081

Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS must be ordered online at  Orders for CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may include hard copies for pick up, mail out or digital download via  Upon verification of online payment, hard copies may be picked up at Jacob & Martin, LLC., located at 3465 Curry Lane, Abilene, TX 79606.  Cost for hard copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $100.00.  Cost for digital download of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be $0.00.  Contractors must purchase a set of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS to be considered a registered plan holder eligible to bid the project.

The project to be constructed will be financed with assistance from the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and is subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Attention is called to the fact that not less than, the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) wage rate, as issued by the Texas Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Affairs and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual identity, gender identity, or national origin.

All contractors/subcontractors that are that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project.

The lobbying certification must be submitted with the bid packet to be considered complete and responsive.

The City of Jayton is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Project Details

  • Project No: TDA No. CDV23-0081 / JM No. 22537
  • Owner: City of Jayton
  • JM Office: Lubbock
  • Project Manager: Allen Phillips, P.E. /
  • Admin Contact: Katy Stryker /
  • Phone: (806) 368-6375
  • Prebid: No Prebid
  • Prebid Date: N/A
  • Bid Open Date: October 3, 2024 at 10:30 AM at Jayton City Hall, 271 N. Main St., Jayton, TX 79528,

Select Plan Type:

Planholders List

First Name Last Name Company Email Phone Contractor Role
CamronFambroFambro Construction, 485-1169General Contractor
KayKeeneWhitewater Construction, 863-5750General Contractor
RoyAguilarDeerwood ConstructionRaguilar@deerwoodinc.com8062413478Sub Contractor
SethKeeneWhitewater Constructionskwhitewater1997@gmail.com2543151057General Contractor 867-68941General Contractor
SCOTTMCCURLEYClearwater SolutionsScott.McCurley@clearwatersolutions.com19038048331Sub Contractor
JoshuaCoonrodTellus Services, LLCjoshuah@tellusservices.com8176024675General Contractor
BrentBehlerDirty Work 998-3096General Contractor
BryanHendersonLeetechbryan@yahoo.com8178056405General Contractor
KyleeMcClendonBoler Equipment Service, 694-0660General Contractor
DAVIDMCNUTTAPSCO Supplydmcnutt@apscotx.com325-733-4994Supplier
JamesMartinezJAMCO 701-3888Sub Contractor 805-6405General Contractor
JeremyFinleyFinco 631-7165General Contractor
PeterNguyenTerraconpeter.nguyen@terracon.com806 392 0748Sub Contractor
StephanieGatesGates Utilities 930-4051General Contractor
AllisonTrevinoCore and 283-9220Supplier
WilliamBarnettBenmark 692-9889Supplier
ScottPollardFerguson Waterworksscott.pollard@ferguson.com8063929064Supplier
HunterDunnLA Fuller and Sonshunter.dunn@fullerandsons.com8062418878General Contractor
DustinBrownBenmark Supply Co. Inc.dustinbrown@benmark.com13253387163Supplier
JacobHutchinsonS-Co 249-2303General Contractor
DouglasRobertsonPDR Constructionskipper@pdrtx.com817-594-3700General Contractor
JoeyPierceUnlimited Utility Supplyjoey@unlimitedutilitysupply.com9034990012Supplier
DAVIDMCNUTTAPSCO Supplydmcnutt@apscotx.com325-733-4994Supplier
JoshuaMacias4M Servicesjoshmm1998@gmail.com3252128437General Contractor
BobWoodW Brown Enterprises Contractor
BryanDennisRoberts Ditchingbryan@robertsditching.com8066723163General Contractor 854-2054Plan Room 239-8536Sub Contractor
JackieHowardL. Howard Construction, 832-5018General Contractor
JasonBowenSummit Utilitiesjason@summit-utilities.com8175381456General Contractor
JustinHoskinsonHoskinson Construction 642-8848General Contractor
RandallWhitneyWhitney Underground 405-2965General Contractor
BrandonWellsGage & Cade Construction, LLCbrandon@gageandcadeconstruction.com5127137637General Contractor
BrandonWellsGage & Cade Construction, LLCbrandon@gageandcadeconstruction.com5127137637General Contractor
IohnPulliamTurkey Creek 910-8770General Contractor
billgarvinsouthern contractors groupoffice@southerncgllc.com9037270399General Contractor
JonathanZiegnerUtility Contractors of 863-2642General Contractor
MarkLaBruyere6L Construction LLCmarklabruyere@yahoo.com8174037879General Contractor

Contact Information

Ph: 325-695-1070

Address: 3465 Curry Lane, Abilene, TX 79606, USA

Opening Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Fri: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM